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3 Ways Indoor Business Signs Increase Revenues For Baltimore Companies

May 29,2020

3 Ways Indoor Business Signs Increase Revenues For Baltimore Companies

Today’s post reviews key findings on the money-making power of indoor business signs. Read on to learn more about this cost-effective marketing tool or call 410-877-6011 for a free quote in Baltimore, MD.

Research Shows Value Of Indoor Business Signs In Baltimore, MD

Back in 2012, the Journal of the Public Policy & Marketing published seminal research on the money-making value of indoor business signs. Specifically, Taylor et al. (2012) studied the value of “on-premise signs,” which they defined as any “permanent fixtures on the building or grounds of a business” (P. 185). Thus, for the purposes of this discussion, we’re omitting popular temporary sign styles to focus specifically on the performance of permanent indoor business signs.

What follows is a review of some of their key findings about the marketing function and value of indoor business signs.

Indoor Business Signs Communicate The Location Of Baltimore Businesses And Increase Impulse Buys

“An on-premise sign is often the primary way that consumers learn where a business is located” (Taylor et al., 2012, p. 186). Thus, signage plays a key role in spreading the word about your business to local consumers. It’s also what delivery personnel, clients, and new employees rely on to get where they’re supposed to be.

But there’s more to it than that. For businesses built on impulse buys, indoor business signs “may often induce an immediate response that leads to a sale” (p. 186). In other words, your outdoor and indoor business signs might be directly responsible for impulse buy increases.

Synthesizing their findings with research from the U.S Small Business Administration, Taylor et al. claim that “consumer impulse stops” triggered by outdoor and indoor business signs can account for a huge percentage of customer traffic, ranging from 15% to as much as 45%!

How Indoor Business Signs Create Powerful Brand Images

“Experts have long agreed that brick-and-mortar retailers must create and reinforce a store image to ensure success” (Taylor et al., 2012, p. 186). This brand image starts at the storefront and continues with your indoor business signs, communicating information about the store’s image and atmosphere at every step. For example, some stores may construct an “upscale” brand image by placing chic signage in an elegant storefront, then continue this theme with custom indoor business signs. In this case, indoor business signs help set the consumers expectations and allow owners to target specific demographics.

Elsewhere, researchers have shown how stronger brand images equate to greater sales revenue. For instance, in study by the Journal of Business Research, Huang and Sarigollu (2012) note: “Brands that consumers know are more likely to be included in the consumers’ consideration set” (p. 113).

Indoor Business Signs Remain The Most Cost-effective Marketing Modality

Indoor business signs remain one of the most cost-effective forms of advertising.

Using a 7-point Likert scale, which rates the cost-effectiveness of different advertising media between 1 (“not effective”) to 7 (“very effective”), Taylor et al. (2012) rated indoor business signs at 4.87, placing them ahead of Internet (4.56), radio (4.40), newspaper (4.37), television (4.24), and yellow pages (4.12). These results reinforce recent findings from cost studies by the International Sign Association.

Free Indoor Business Sign Quotes And Consultations In Baltimore, MD

Email or call 410-877-6011 to view our massive indoor business sign catalog and get a free quote.


Huang, R., & Sarigöllü, E. (2014). How brand awareness relates to market outcome, brand equity, and the marketing mix. In Fashion Branding and Consumer Behaviors (pp. 113-132). Springer, New York, NY.

Taylor, C. R., Sarkees, M. E., & Bang, H. K. (2012). Understanding the Value of On-Premise Signs as Marketing Devices for Legal and Public Policy Purposes. Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 31(2), 185-194.

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